Sagafish Media is a boutique production company that draws on a network of feisty, talented specialists for projects ranging from documentaries to branded content. We strive to tell stories that combine engaging narrative, striking visuals and universal themes that help us learn about ourselves and the world around us. Our backyard is the circumpolar North and we chase stories that explore people’s relationships with landscapes, natural systems and each other.

For over a decade, we’ve helped bring northern stories to life. We’ve worked with a wide range of subjects and clients, from artists to government agencies to First Nations to indie filmmakers. Contact us to learn more about how we can create compelling screen media content together.

Follow our Sagafish Media Facebook page for news and project updates.

The Story Behind Sagafish

We chose a company identity that’s steeped in story.

Saga is Old Norse for legend or story, and codfish have been intertwined with the sagas for thousands of years. While researching our first documentary we spent time in Iceland and Norway learning about the great Viking sagas. On our first day out on the Norwegian Sea, the fishermen caught an unusual cod known as a konge torsk (king cod): a one in 20,000 specimen with an enlarged forehead or ‘crown’.  Legend tells that konge torsk are auspicious, bringing good luck to fishermen and even being used as a barometer to forecast the weather.

A Norwegian fishing family also gifted us with a dried konge torsk. Then, our six-year-old daughter made a drawing that helped inspire our business name. Everything happens for a reason in a well-crafted story, and the konge torsk became our storytelling fish from the North Atlantic: our saga fish. Today our konge torsk hangs from a string, divining what lies in store.